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Fire SeasonFrom the United States Fire Administration: An estimated 360,900 residential building fires were reported to U.S. fire departments each year and caused 2,495 deaths, 13,250 injuries and $7 billion in property losses. Cooking was the leading cause of these fires.More
Insuring Your EventsPlanning a Wedding, Bar Mitzvah, Quincienera, Anniversary, Birthday Bash or Family Reunion? Many of these events when held way from your home, at a hotel or hall may require that you provide insurance coverage for your event.More
BHA and BBC packs a big insurance punch!Your Favorite Insurance Broker Just Got Better! Branch Hernandez births a new business to provide more focus for clients.More
Death of the salesmanToday's insurance advisor slays the "salesman" of yesterday. Customer Win!More
The Entrepreneur ExposureEntrepreneurs and self employed need to carefully protect themselves before jumping into business ownership.More 12/13/2011 Joe Hernandez named Vice Chairman Latin Chamber of CommerceJoe Hernandez named Vice Chairman Latin Chamber of CommerceMore |