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Death of the salesman


As the health insurance industry makes way for the effects of health care reform, this legislation has turned the agent and broker community on its' side. While there are many facets and various complexities to the PPACA legislation, there is a common concern for all of us in the broker community that we are being viewed as a commodity and not as value added.

What some see now as a challenge I view as an opportunity for agents and brokers to establish value with the services that we bring to the table for our clients and their employees. Gone are the days of being "product pusher". Now is truly the time and opportunity to build relationships with clients. As their trusted advisors for the purchasing and management of insurance its' imperative that an agent partner with his/her clients.

So to that I do believe the concept of the salesman is dying. The days trusted advisor is here! Hallelujah! Customers Win!

Quincy Branch

Your friendly advisor

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